I performed at the big After Grimm folklore conference at Kingston University last week, and decided to do The Donkey Cabbages as an exploration into love and constancy.

It worked extremely well, and I picked up a lovely review from fellow storyteller Red Phoenix:
‘Cat’s use of the stage, dynamics and emotionally raw tensions really exploded the characters from ‘Donkey Cabbages’ into the room, always just at the right moment so that a greater understanding of the motives and complex relationships was understood and felt throughout the room, a highly enjoyable and thoughtful performance.’
You can read the review of the whole show here: http://www.redphoenixstory.com/blog/
After Kingston, I headed to Cardiff to tell the story on Saturday at the magnificent Wales Millennium Centre. My show was streamed LIVE to the world! That was a first for me 🙂
What a great story The Donkey Cabbages is… I look forward to exploring it more, through each new telling.