One of my stand-out trips was a Storytelling for Peace Building project I led in Colombia for the British Council in 2019. I worked with vulnerable Afro-Caribbean teens in three cities – Quibdo, Cali and Cartegna – teaching them storytelling skills they could use within their communities. Together we transformed their personal stories of trauma into inspirational tales of resilience and hope. It was an extraordinary experience for me, challenging and humbling in turn. Massively rewarding. I would love to do more of this kind of work.
I love working internationally. It is one of the things I treasure most about my art: the opportunities it gives me to travel, experience new cultures and find new stories along the way.
With the British Council, I have promoted the art of storytelling in Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Kenya, Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. I work frequently in international schools: Bangkok, Cairo, Kathmandu, Lagos, Singapore, Geneva, Basel, Copenhagen, Germany (British Forces schools) Kazakhstan, India, Paris, Oman, Qatar, South Korea and Saudi Arabia… I am no stranger to airports!
Meet Me at Machu Picchu and The Road to Varanasi are two adult shows I have created from my travels. For children, I have written Dream Adventures, a book of my true-life travel stories.